Bye Bye Bra Bulge

6 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog


For many women, bra bulge is a serious concern. Bulge that sticks out of the bra can be prominent in a shirt or a dress, and it can be a big distraction. If you love the rest of your body, you might really struggle with bra bulge.

The good news? You have many options to consider for treating bra bulge. Body sculpting and other techniques can help you say goodbye to bra bulge for good.


Liposuction is one way people are treating bra bulge. The procedure involves just a small incision to remove fat from the area. When liposuction removes fat cells, they disappear entirely. They do not merely shrink. The final results are visible in about a month. Keep in mind that liposuction is a surgical procedure that will require some downtime. You may need to take some time off work and stay away from the gym for a short amount of time.

To be a good candidate, you should already be at your desired weight. You should not be in the middle of your weight loss journey. The goal of liposuction is to remove stubborn fat that just does not go away on your weight loss journey.


CoolSculpting is another body sculpting option available to you. This is a non-invasive technique that helps you reduce bulge that does not decrease with diet and exercise. This technique uses cold to eliminate fat, freezing it efficiently. This is a great choice because it does not require anesthesia or downtime. You will be able to return to work, school, or the gym pretty quickly after the procedure. You have very few side effects as well.

You should know that the results of CoolSculpting are more subtle than those associated with liposuction. Additionally, you should know that the results appear in time, and they could take months to fully emerge. Just like with liposuction, you should already be at your desired weight when you consider this option. You should be generally happy with your body except for the stubborn bra bulge you want to combat.

Make an Appointment With a Doctor Today

Today gives you the perfect opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor to say goodbye to bra bulge for good. Your first appointment will be a consultation with a professional who will determine which procedure you are eligible for. Your body will be sculpted just the way you want it with a professional who understands your needs.

To learn more about body sculpting, contact a professional in your area.